Dewey is the latest addition to our rat family : when Catherine's university work meant that she was no longer able to take Roxy everywhere with her, it seemed unfair to Roxy to keep her in solitary confinement for much of the day when she was so used to company, so - Dewey came to join her.

Dewey is a young Dumbo rat, another female, and incredibly cute! Have you ever seen anything as adorable as this?

This is Dewey's first portrait, taken half an hour after we got her home. She's not a new baby, she's three months old, and Roxy is ten months old, and they took to each other right from the start. We had been prepared to have to introduce them to each other gradually, but we needn't have worried, Roxy sniffed the newcomer from head to foot, Dewey climbed all over Roxy, and in the evening they settled down for the night, curled up together. Friends!

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